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segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

Profissionalismo Online: Guidelines / Position Papper American College of Physicians


Recentemente abordamos o tema de mídias sociais e profissionalismo online no treinamento introdutório da ResMed e no New England. 

Coincidentemente, nesse contexto, uma nova publicação, um Position Papper, saiu em 16 de abril no Annals of Internal Medicine. (Ann Intern Med. 2013;158(8):620-627).

Esse Position Papper foi publicado pela ACP (American College of Physicians) e a Federation of State Medical Boards para trazer recomendações sobre:
  • A Influência de mídias sociais na relação médico-paciente
  • O Papel dessas mídias na percepção pública do comportamentos dos médicos
  • Estratégias para comunicação médico-a-médico que preserve ao máximo a confidencialidade do paciente enquanto se potencializa o uso dessas tecnologias.

Seguem os cinco Statements e uma tabela com algumas orientações e pitfalls


  1. “Use of online media can bring significant educational benefits to patients and physicians, but may also pose ethical challenges. Maintaining trust in the profession and in patient–physician relationships requires that physicians consistently apply ethical principles for preserving the relationship, confidentiality, privacy, and respect for persons to online settings and communications.”
  2. “The boundaries between professional and social spheres can blur online. Physicians should keep the 2 spheres separate and comport themselves professionally in both.”
  3. “E-mail or other electronic communications should only be used by physicians in an established patient–physician relationship and with patient consent. Documentation about patient care communications should be included in the patient’s medical record.”
  4. “Physicians should consider periodically “self-auditing” to assess the accuracy of information available about them on physician-ranking Web sites and other sources online.”
  5. The reach of the Internet and online communications is far and often permanent. Physicians, trainees, and medical students should be aware that online postings may have future implications for their professional lives.”


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