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segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

Parar de fumar: Melhor parar de uma vez que diminuir aos poucos

Após decidir uma dada para parar de fumar, pacientes que param abruptamente parecem ter mais chance de sucesso do que os que diminuem até parar.

Abrupt smoking cessation compared with gradual smoking reduction
Earlier evidence from randomized trials had suggested that, after a quit date is set, abstinence rates were equivalent for patients who reduced smoking prior to the quit date or stopped smoking abruptly on the quit date. However, more recent studies suggest that among smokers who plan to quit in the near future, quit rates are higher for patients who stop abruptly. The most recent randomized trial included 697 smokers in England and found that gradual smoking cessation (decreasing by 75 percent in the two weeks prior to quitting) was associated with decreased likelihood of abstinence at four weeks when compared with abrupt smoking cessation (39 versus 49 percent) [1].
See 'Overview of smoking cessation management in adults', section on 'Setting a quit date'.
1. Lindson-Hawley N, Banting M, West R, et al. Gradual versus abrupt smoking cessation: A randomized, controlled noninferiority trial. Ann Intern Med. 2016; 164:585.

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